Thursday, April 25, 2013

Challenges of CrossFit

Hello there my family and friends!
This last month has just flown on by! I guess that I should be better about writing and updating you on my progress. Anyhow, I will give you a quick glance at the last month and what I have accomplished. First of all I will have to say..... I am winning this weight loss battle! I have given this my all and 100% more. With results that prove just how hard I have been working and staying focused on my ultimate prize which is life!

Over the last month I have had some pretty intense experiences. During one of my CrossFit sessions, I was challenged to climb the rock wall as well as climb the pipes on the wall.... I stood down on the floor watching the other people start and finish their challenge of getting on the wall, as I watched I thought to myself... There is no way that I am going to be able to do that!

Just then.... Uncle Brenty said "Your turn Monica!" "Let's see what you got!" I looked around and seen there were 13 sets of eyes watching me and waiting for me to take on the challenge. I was petrified; however, I walked up to the wall, said a little prayer, and faced the challenge! I began with the pipes on the wall, to my surprise, I was able to get both of my legs on the wall and take two steps up the wall with both legs!

OMG! That was so amazing, I can't believe that I was able to do that! I was so happy that I wanted to cry. That was me up on that wall! ME! At one point I thought for sure that there was never going to be a day that I would be able to do such a thing! Then there I was up on the wall climbing like a chunky spider man! Then came time for the rock wall. Have you seen this wall? The rocks are tiny and it appears as if even the smallest of people would not be able to climb on them.

Again, I stood and watched in amazement as the other people were able to make their way to the top of the wall, tap on the top and work their way back down. Again the fat kid inside of me was overwhelmed with the fear of the wall defeating me before I even attempted the climb. Then I hear Uncle Brenty say..... "Monica, you're up! Let's do this babe!" My thought was... OH NO! What am I going to do? There are still 13 sets of eyes watching me.

I again faced my fears and began my "walk of shame" over to the rock wall.... Behind me I hear a young girl that had already refused the rock wall say "If she tries the climb, so will I". OMG.... Now there was no turning back! I had to attempt the climb even if I didn't want to. With Uncle Brenty talking me through how to begin the climb, I grabbed on the first two rocks as if it was the end of the world.... I then took my first two steps up! Two more steps... Then I made the mistake of stopping and looking down! That was a BAD move! I got spooked and almost cried.... I then yelled out "Okay, I'm done! How do I get down!"

I don't think that I could get off of that wall quick enough! I was scared and I knew there were still 13 sets of eyes staring at me. I will have to admit, every person in that place was so excited for me! They congratulated me and were so encouraging. I have the time of my life at CrossFit even when I am getting "beat up" with the exercises! I cannot imagine not being there with everyone that I have met and with my wonderful trainers to guide me into my new way of living.

I am ADDICTED! Thank you to all who make these challenges easier for me and who continue to support me. I could not be as successful as I am without each and everyone of you! I love you all....

Until my next adventure...