Monday, February 11, 2013

CrAzY dAyS of CrossFit!

Crossfit is like a dream come true! I have always wanted to workout with a group of people. I thought it was something that would be less of a struggle and more of a "push" for me to keep moving! I was right! When joining CrossFit, I had a fear and a ton of emotions going on all at one time. I was hoping that I would eventually make it to the "real" workouts and not be so modified and secluded while everyone else got to work together as a team....

Three weeks into it... Brent says to me "Monica... I am going to have you join the group today to see how you are doing." A TON of emotions ran through me as I was excited and super scared to see what lies ahead for me.

The warm up was normal as usual, the therapy portion was a bit more challenging; however, it was okay, the strength portion... Well it was harder, yet it felt good to be pushing myself harder, then came the WOD..... I pushed myself to complete the tasks, yes some of them were modified for me, however, I finished each and everyone of them! I felt like someone had just handed me the world! I was able to accomplish exercises that I thought was going to take me a long time and many of mountains moved later. And there I was hot, sweaty, tearful, and proud all at the same time.

Everybody was congratulating each other on the evenings successes, talking about how hard the class had been, when Brent walked up to me.... He looked me in the eyes, gave me a high five with knuckles and said..... "welcome to the real world of CrossFit Monica! You made it!" I cried sweet tears of joy! I made it my friends! I made it! I could not be happier with myself at this moment in time. I have accomplished so much in so little of time!

All of the obstacles, the sore muscles, the long days, long evenings, tears, sweat, and lack of sleep have been worth it! I again want to take a moment and thank Brent Bearup and Tom McCullen for taking such good care of me! Also for taking the time to teach me the proper way to move my body, as well as the ins and outs of the wonderful world of CrossFit! These two are AMAZING men and have taught me so much. I look up to them! I am successful because of these two men that not only care about my health and feeling better... They also care about me as a person. I love you guys!

CrossFit or Die People,

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