Tuesday, February 12, 2013

6 count them... 1,2,3,4,5,6 more pounds!!!

My dear friends and family,

I have been asked by my trainers and my food guru to weigh myself on a weekly basis. Therefore, today was the day that I needed to step back on that scale! ( I skipped last week.... And I got away with it! They didn't even ask!) I have to admit, I was scared and a little leery to see what the numbers were going to be today....

I cleaned out my pockets, took my shoes off, removed my jacket, and hopped on the scale like I was going to win something! The numbers began to click.... When they landed on ... ( You thought I was going to tell you! Ha! Ha!) Okay, well they did show me that I am another six pounds lighter than I was on my last weigh in.

What an AMAZING adventure I am embarking on. I can't even begin to tell you the difference I see in myself as well as the way I feel. Due to all of the successes thus far, I can honestly say that each and every victory fuels my fire even more! There is absolutely NO WAY that I could turn back now! I look forward to the rest of this adventure....

Thank you all for staying tuned in on my life as a weight loss loser! I hope to hear from you all soon... Until the next report...

Stay happy, eat healthy, DRINK PLENTY OF WATER, and live life to the fullest!


  1. I am so proud of you Ika keep up the good work it will all pay off in the end
    With love,
    Peter and Ellijah

    1. Thank you my Peter! I love and miss you both... Have a good day!
