Thursday, February 21, 2013

Oh What BEAUTIFUL Obstacles!

For those of you who know me well..... You know what I am saying when I say BEAUTIFUL Obstacles! :) As you all well know, anytime you choose to "diet", "eat clean", "live healthier", etc. there is ALWAYS going to be OBSTACLES! There was more than one day when this little lady wanted to throw in the towel and eat something she wasn't supposed to! However, she would turn the other cheek and make sure to have something she is supposed to consume.... I will have to admit, sometimes these "obstacles" feel more like hindering barriers that are never going to go away. Especially when you see everyone around you celebrating and you are left with your diet food and water! It gets a little monotonous at times.....

During times like that, I have to take a moment out to remember what it is that I am doing, why I am doing it, and the overall rewards that are being gained and will be gained for the constant goal. I have found that giving myself five minutes a day to congratulate myself on my accomplishments is definitely assisting me with my everyday successes. So my dear family and friends..... A little word of advice, if you are having a moment when you just want to let it all go and "give up", just remember.... YOU! Who you are, where you are and where you want to be, who you would be hurting, and where the overall hardship would lie. Then give yourself a pat on the back for loving YOU! Give yourself a hug, cry if you need to! And remember..... You can NEVER give yourself too many compliments. :)

Never give in to temptation when you know that the overall out come will be worth it to stick with your original plan. No one ever said it would be easy..... However, they all will say "it is worth it!"

Stay happy, Live healthy, Dream big, and Keep on truckin!
Till next time......

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